“What moves you?”

2 min. approx. reading

People… our people… the feelings of our people…
When we are well – happy – it is easier to do a good job.
And the good work of each one leads to the fantastic growth of all.

It is because we give so much importance to “being happy”,

not only in professional life, but also in personal life,

that we have therefore focused this year’s Alfaloc Convention on this issue.

Under the motto “What moves you?”, we shared the experiences of people inspiring for their strength to overcome obstacles:

To further inspire us to «get out of our comfort zone» and also to believe in the ability to create solutions to any obstacle, we had the help of João Geada, from Creative Humanity, who made us think about basic things in a different way.

And in the last minutes, the long-awaited moment:

the dissemination of the RACE campaign,

with the release of the video “The best of 2 worlds” in 1st hand for the Alfaloc team.

About this, LEARN MORE HERE!

Alfaloc strives to implement best practices with regard to Human Resources Management policy.

Far beyond transparency, respect, and meritocracy, first of all it is our intention that people feel (really) good about being part of the Alfaloc team.

We understand that this is the only truly effective way to retain our talented employees.

#alwaysyou also for employees 😉

The Alfaloc 2018 convention took place on September 15 at the Hotel Miramar Sul, in Nazaré, to whom we thank for all the kindness and professionalism shown, as we have become accustomed to.

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