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In a world suddenly affected by a pandemic, the global difficulties that already existed remain.
The need to change our ecological footprint.

Global warming, the greenhouse effect, the growing infertility of land, dependence on fossil fuels, air pollution, ocean pollution, changes to the food chain are serious situations that continue.

Its gravity stems from the action of human beings. And they are special because they can be reduced or avoided through our own action, through the action of each one of us. Individually we are too small to change the world, but through individual action we influence those closest to us, creating a dynamic in motion.

At Alfaloc we have been considering environmental impact when making decisions for some time. Even in simple things, such as having business cards composed of potato starch. But 2020 was special. (In many ways, of course.) It made us reflect on what we do, and above all on what we can do.

Shipping is essential to the day-to-day life of a company. But soon it will be a greener, more ecological choice. More aware. If you’ve ever visited the page ” What changes in 2021“, you’ve noticed the eco-friendly service. We will bring more news on this subject.

For now, we would like to present you with our new ecological footprint page.

It is a website dedicated to the environment and the role we can all play. More than informing, we will soon create carbon offset projects. And you can participate!

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