In partnership with the renowned D. Dinis Business School, Alfaloc is providing top training and recognition to a large part of its employees.

We are talking about a dynamic and innovative mini-MBA! This executive training program, in addition to providing a complete and transversal view of the management areas, also focuses on the core areas of modern management. In addition, it offers state-of-the-art scientific tools with a practical and value-generating framework. With this training, Alfaloc professionals will not only be able to improve their performance, but also exponentiate the results of their teams.
Among the modules covered, the following stand out:
- Strategy and Competitiveness
- People Management
- Marketing
- Business Finance
- Digitalization of Organizations
The 1st edition of the mini-MBA, which started in October, already has 14 students, 12 of whom are Directors of Alfaloc. Furthermore, the two additional vacancies were filled through an application open to all employees.
Faced with dozens of applications for these limited vacancies, the Alfaloc Administration, realizing the great interest, decided to create a 2nd edition of the same program, this time with 16 vacancies.
The 2nd edition started this Saturday, November 9th!
Professionals from various teams, such as Customer Service, Credit Management, Customer Managers from the Entre Douro e Vouga team, Customer Managers from the Western Lisbon team, IT, among others, quickly filled the 16 vacancies available. In addition, the training will extend until March and April, respectively.
With this strategic bet, we firmly believe that we will be able to serve Alfaloc customers even more effectively. Consequently, we will respond with greater agility to new paradigms and expand our ability to build unique and personalized solutions.
By itself, we go further.
Alfaloc Team