Today is not March 8. And that’s a good thing.
Because that’s not important.

The important thing, above all, is Today, that is, the day in which we are living, and in which it is essential to remember the value we have. And moreover, if we may now turn to women, we especially wish to emphasize the value that you, as #MulherAutentica, have in the struggle for equality between both sexes.
What, after all, this day reminds us is that feminism, at its core, is the defense of equal rights and opportunities for both men and women, and never, therefore, a fight for female supremacy.
However, due to everything that society and beliefs still demand from women, we want to value the strength and individual courage of each one.
And when Today finally ends, tomorrow will again be the day you should look at yourself and say: “Life may not be easy, but I’m here giving my best, with a surely fuller story, surrounded by fantastic women and men.”
So you don’t have to be everything, just authentic.
So we designed a piece thinking about wives/girlfriends, mothers, professionals… in all authentic women!
Thus, Alfaloc Employees will proudly wear their “a”.
You can also wear the “a” for #MulherAutentica.
One for you and one for a friend.
Go to Alfaloc’s instagram, find this photo and make a comment where you put your name and that of a friend.
You can participate several times, with different friends.
At the end, we will make a draw.
Happy days!