Alfaloc renews Partnership with Millenium BCP

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Alfaloc renews its partnership with Millenium BCP

Alfaloc renews its partnership with Millenium BCP and has once again been elected as an Applause Partner, in the Urgent Services category.

Once again, Millenium BCP highlighted Alfaloc as the reference company in the transport sector, especially for urgent transports with customisation or critical needs.

But this highlight does not only give us credit. It provides special advantages for you and your business, such as EXTRA DISCOUNTS , to Alfaloc Customers who are also Millennium BCP Applause customers.

Get a 15% discount on urgent transport services and a 40% to 55% discount on our express export transport services (Plane, Truck and RACE).

A great opportunity to experience the GREAT advantages of an IMPACTFUL service like SONYC!

Send loads of up to 300 Kg’s to the main cities of Central and Eastern Europe with the usual security of a quality service. Watch them arrive at their destination the next business day morning.

Take advantage of this opportunity!

Learn about all the advantages of the Aplauso BCP program, by alfaloc

Information on the Millenium BCP website

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