A recognition framed in the Social Responsibility and Sustainability axis, with an Honorable Mention in the category of ORGANIZATIONAL WELL-BEING.
Promoted by APEE since 2015, the Recognition of Practices in Social Responsibility and Sustainability distinguishes the implementation of good governance policies and models in public and private sector organizations. For-profit and non-profit organisations, which create value for their stakeholders and actively contribute to sustainable development.
This recognition, by one of the most relevant associations at the national level, is an important milestone in the sense of valuing our internal practices in the field of People. Management based on business ethics is fundamental to Alfaloc’s culture.

The application for this distinction took place at the beginning of 2024, based on an Organizational Climate Assessment work framed in an effective sustainability policy. Analyzed and validated by this entity, it ended up being considered a prominent instrument in contributing to the category of “Organizational Well-Being”. In particular, in the axis of “Culture of well-being characterized by support, trust and mutual respect, where people feel valued and recognized for their work, and where there are effective channels of communication and feedback”.
In this project to enhance Alfaloc’s ethical business practices, several of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are positively affected by this practice. SDG 4 (Quality Education); 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and 16 (Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions).
Confirm all the award-winning organizations mentioned in the 2024 edition